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Australia and New Zealand Serious Games Newsletter – Jan 2018

Australia and New Zealand Serious Games Newsletter – Jan 2018

Dear all
Happy New Year! Hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing break!
There are a few items on the agenda this week, mainly the SimGHOSTS conference Serious Games stream that I am helping to organise, as well as the ISAGA (International Simulation And Gaming Association) conference in Thailand.
For more information, please see the promotional blurbs below. Please note that the SimGHOSTS abstract submission closes on 31st January 2018. We still need 4~5 people to fully populate the Serious Games stream, therefore may I please encourage any of you working on serious games related to health to submit something. If you have an ongoing or recently completely project, but can’t submit am abstract on time, please contact either me, Dale Linegar, or Adrian Wood ASAP.
SimGHOSTS 2018
June 27-29 at University of Sunshine Coast
With Special Partners Simulation Australasia, ASSH, and Serious Games Showcase & Challenge
SimGHOSTS returns to Australia in 2018 on the Sunshine Coast.
SimGHOSTS events provide a meeting place to exchange ideas and network with technical peers as well as receive specialised training in healthcare simulation.  It is a place to engage with simulation based vendors to learn about the latest in healthcare education technology.
SimGHOSTS is ideal for anybody involved in the technical operation of a clinical simulation lab, clinical educators tasked with operation of simulation spaces, or those evaluating medical simulation based technologies.
There will be a Serious Games stream running throughout the conference.
Submissions to present at SimGHOSTS 2018 are now open and due by 31 January 2018.
Submit your abstract here:
As the Australasian Simulation Congress takes a break in 2018 to return on the Gold Coast in 2019, the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge will be hosted at SimGHOSTS this year June 27-29 on the Gold Coast.
Finalists will have the opportunity to showcase their serious game at SimGHOSTS.
Winners receive $2500 support to attend the Global Serious Games Showcase & Challenge in Orlando, Florida.
Last years winners Opaque Space (Earthlight) went on to win the People’s Choice Award at the Global Serious Games Showcase & Challenge.
Entries are now open at sgsca.org.au and close on April 29.
ISAGA 2018
July 9-13, 2018
Mahidol University
Ten Countries, including Thailand, in South East Asia came together in an alliance called ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. Higher education reform, harmonization, and developing new teachers are key issues of AEC. To celebrate Thaisim’s 10th anniversary and to appreciate half century legend of ISAGA, we planned this conference as an opportunity to exchange the wisdom from many countries. We will discuss the future of Simulation & Gaming, ISAGA, people, and learners together. Everyone is welcome to discover the future; so come, let’s gather in Thailand!!!
Learn more at isaga2018.com.
In terms of international events, the IGDA Serious Games SIG is also hosting a roundtable at GDC, on Thursday 22 March at 5:30-6:30pm, South Hall, street level – Room 105. There is also a Serious Games Reception planned at GDC on Tuesday 20 March 3-6pm, together with the Game Education SIG. There has yet to be a time slot announced for my Serious Games panel. If any of you are heading to GDC this year, I look forward to seeing you at any of these events!
Kathleen Yin
PhD, BPharm (Hon)
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