1300 360 925 info@sganz.org.au

The serious game sector survey

SGANZ is currently conducting a survey that seeks to assess the scope of the serious games field in the Australian and New Zealand region, which has not been examined before.

The survey would like to seek responses from serious games developers, researchers, educators who use serious games, commercial entities that commission serious games, as well as any other persons who either create, study, or use serious games in their work.

Please respond and promote the survey amongst your networks. The more respondants the survey gets, the more comprehensive it will paint a picture of the ANZ serious games scene, and act as a springboard for accurate data regarding our industry!

Our mission is

To create a community of practice for Serious Game developers, researchers, and practitioners.

To promote the use of Serious Games as a solution for both public and private sectors.

If you would like to help us in this mission please contact us.  We are looking to help support a range of committees who can work on topics of interest to the Serious Games community in Australia and New Zealand.

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